World Series of Philately (WSP)
A WSP show is an American Philatelic Society (APS) World Series of Philately show. These are U.S. national level shows that have gone through an accreditation process and must follow standards (WSP Rules/Requirements) to maintain their status. Note that CANPEX in Ontario, Canada is also a WSP show. These shows include a bourse (dealers with tables buying and selling), competitive exhibits, meetings and seminars, and usually host functions of one or more philatelic societies. While these are generally the largest shows in the country, they vary significantly in size. There are approximately 31 such shows held annually in the USA.
Adult multi-frame exhibits that receive a minimum of a vermeil medal at a WSP show may apply to be shown at international FIP shows. The multiframe grand award winning exhibit at each WSP show is invited to compete in the annual Champion of Champions competition at APS StampShow for the highest national level exhibiting honour available.
After a couple of years without live shows they are starting up again in 2023. Go to the American Philatelic Society web site (here) for more information.