Club and Organization Sites
There are numerous other stamp clubs in and around southwest BC. Here are a few (click on the names to go directly to their web sites):
British Columbia Philatelic Society - Meetings held in Burnaby, British Columbia.
The Peace Arch Stamp Club - Meetings held in South Surrey (near White Rock), British Columbia.
Fraser Valley Philatelic Club - Meetings held in Abbotsford, British Columbia.
Kamloops Stamp Club - Meetings held in Kamloops, British Columbia.
North Shore Numismatic Society (Coins, stamps, collectables) - Meetings held in Burnaby, British Columbia.
Vancouver Island Philatelic Society - Meetings are on the 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 pm at: St. Peter's Anglican Church, 3939 St. Peter's Road, Victoria, BC
There are also many organizations both in Canada and other countries devoted to stamp collecting. Again, here are some of the more important ones (click on the names for direct links to web sites):
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada - Canada's national society for philatelists (stamp collectors, enthusiasts and aficionados). The RPSC speaks for all Canadian collectors at provincial, federal and international levels of philately and is a member of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (F.I.P.) and the Federation Inter-Americana de Filatelia (F.I.A.F.).
British North America Philatelic Society - The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd. (BNAPS) is an international organization (founded 1943) devoted to the collecting and study of the stamps, markings, and postal history of Canada and the pre-confederation colonies of British North America (British Columbia, Canada, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island).
Canadian Aerophilatelic Society - The CAS provides a forum for the exchange of information among Canadians who are interested in any aspect of world-wide aerophilately, and for collectors from around the world who are interested in Canadian aerophilately. This is mainly achieved through their newsletter, The Canadian Aerophilatelist, which is published quarterly.
American Philatelic Society - With nearly 28,000 members in more than 110 countries, the APS is the largest, non-profit organization for stamp collectors in the world. Founded in 1886, the APS serves collectors, educators, postal historians, and the general public by providing a wide variety of programs and services.
American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors - The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors exists to share and discuss ideas and techniques for improving standards of exhibit preparation, judging, and the management of exhibitions.
American Topical Association - The American Topical Association (ATA) was founded in 1949 and is now the largest philatelic society devoted specifically to topical stamp collecting. Serving almost 3,000 members worldwide, they pride themelves in being the best source of information, fellowship and authority in this field.
Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) - International federation whose goal is to promote philately around the world. It also promotes international stamp exhibits, those at the very highest level.
Stamp Stores
A.A.A. Stamp Coin Jewellery Inc., Contact Michael Tarantino:
809 Fort St Victoria, BC V8W 1H6 Phone 250-384-1315 FAX 384-4516 Website: aaacoinandstamp.com/ Vancouver Island’s largest stamp store.
All Nations Stamp & Coin, Contact: Brian Grant Duff:
5630 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6N 1W7 Phone 604-684-4613 email: collect@direct.ca allnationsstampandcoin.com Facebook: All Nations Stamp & Coin Shop Canada & World stamps, coins & supplies. Weekly auctions Tues to Sat 9:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Chantou International Stamp & Coin, Contact: Giuseppe Iorio 6537 Fraser St, Vancouver BC V5X 3T4 Phone 604-321-7447 email: giorio@telus.net Website chantou.com/Official Royal Canadian Mint distributor, Stamp accessories specialist at discount prices, albums, mounts, catalogues, etc. Canadian coins and paper money. Send us your needs.A leader in service & reliability.
Deveney Stamps, Contact Dave or Kayle:
DK Enterprises
10 NE Silver Pine Dr
Bremerton, WA 98311 USA
Phone 360-271-9026 email: stamps@dickkeiser.com Website: dickkeiser.com !!WANTED!! Stamps, Old Documents, Old Envelopes and letters, P.O.W./Internment mail, Censored and Military mail, Picture Postcards, and other paper products. Call for a FREE appraisal. Coins and Gold/Silver Bullion also purchased. Best price paid.
FvH Stamps, Contact: Frank von Hausen #102-340 W. Cordova St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1E8 Ph:604-684-8408 FAX 684-2929 email: FvHstamps@aol.comWebsite: fvhstamps.com Western Canada’s leading full service stamp store featuring worldwide stock, discount albums & accessories, weekly & semi-annual public auctions, consignments, mail order.
Van Isle Coin & Stamp, Contact: Ron Fritz 831 Fort St, Victoria, BC V8W 1H6 Ph: 250-382 6331 Buying & selling world & Canadian stamps & coins.