Miscellaneous Sites
There are countless web sites with stamp collecting information AND for those interested, postcard collecting information as well. These are just a few to start you off.
Canadian Stamp-Related Web Sites
Canadian Museum of History - Canadian Stamp Collection -
Canada Post - http://www.canadapost.ca
Canadian Philately - An Outline (A BNAPS Publication) -
Canada Perfins Information - http://www.rpsc.org/Library/perfins/perfin_officials.htm
Canadian Philately - A blog of the Stamps and Postal History of Canada
Other Interesting Stamp-Related Web Sites
Postage Stamp Chat Board - http://www.stampboards.com
Yahoo Stamp Groups - http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=stamp+collecting
UPU searchable catalog - http://www.wnsstamps.post/en - Since 2002, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) has set up a worldwide searchable catalog for all countries in the world (though some do not appear to take part) to list their issues stamps.
Beginner's corner - http://www.homeadvisor.com/r/home-stamp-collecting-tips
Stamp Forgery Guide - http://www.filatelia.fi/forglinks/index.html
Stamp Collectors Organizations - Want to find other stamp clubs on the web like this one? Here is where - http://www.stampshows.com/clubs.html
History of the U.S. Postal Service - https://wyomingllcattorney.com/Wyoming-Virtual-Office/US-Postal-System-Business
Stamp Smarter - Amazing site with incredible amount of information on collecting. Many videos and excellent articles - https://stampsmarter.org/index.html
Postcard Collecting Web Sites
The Origin and History of Postcards - https://www.nextdayflyers.com/origin-and-history-of-postcards.html
Videos on Stamp Collecting
YouTube video on the future of stamp collecting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj2wM1YPxDI by the American Philatelic Society (APS). EXCELLENT INFORMATION; HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
YouTube listing of stamp collecting videos created by the American Philatelic Society (APS) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPW21u9emdXRXw4R_q1wNUCsuUgMxtUQr